Student Wellbeing & Support Committee

This committee was first established as Student Support Services Committee in 2013 with the aim of offering support to College students during their study programme at Junior College. Throughout the years the Committee was involved with the development and drafting of several policies and procedures such as the Attendance PolicyStudent Code of Behaviour, Student Academic Support PolicyStudent Guidelines for WellbeingWithdrawal PolicyStaff Guidelines for Student Wellbeing and the Peer-mentoring Support System. The Committee has also given its support and advice to the College with respect to procedures aimed at students with disability and access arrangements in liaison with the UM Access Disability Support Unit.

The Committee oversees interviews with students aimed to evaluate the problems faced by individual students and to offer the necessary support. These interviews deal with issues concerning attendance, assessment and withdrawal requests.

The aims of this Committee are to: 

  • coordinate all the student services provided by the College, namely, the Student Services Office, the Counsellor Service Professionals, the Student Advisors, the Youth Worker, the Chaplain and academic members of staff
  • oversee the overall wellbeing and welfare of students, taking into account performance and  attendance indicators as well as the general behaviour of students and exemptions requested
  • oversee the peer mentoring system
  • monitor attendance records at each attendance period, with special emphasis on those who are habitually absent in all subjects
  • recommend strategies to reduce absenteeism and dropout rates
  • monitor the use of exemptions by students and recommend strategies to combat abuse
  • monitor assessment records, with special emphasis on those who obtain very low marks in most subjects
  • recommend possible action in the case of students who are identified as who are potentially at risk of failing or dropping out.
  • oversee the applications of students who request to withdraw from the College.
  • update the code of behaviour for students.

2023/25 Committee Composition

Subcommittee Composition 

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Research & Development Committee
  3. Training & Mentoring Committee
  4. Interviews & Support Committee
  5. Awareness Campaigns & Strategy Committee