FAQ for Italian

This page is divided into two sections. The top section is about Intermediate Italian and the bottom section is about Advanced Italian.


FAQs for Italian Intermediate Matriculation Level

Studying Italian at both Intermediate and Advanced Level serves as an excellent grounding knowledge for those students aiming to pursue their studies at University level in Humanities, Law, Education, Tourism, Translation and Interpretation, Media and Communications, as well as other disciplines. 
You may start studying Italian at Intermediate level but having a background of a secondary school course is an asset.  Otherwise, it is strongly recommended that you expose yourself frequently to the language during the duration of the course. 
The candidate must be prepared in grammar, writing skills, reading and comprehension abilities, speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and studying the plot and the themes of a novel.  Click for more information
Yes, MATSEC allows you that right, but in one year your course will only have covered half the curriculum.  We strongly recommend that a candidate tackles the MATSEC exam at the end of the two-year course.  Better results are obtained in this way. 
For an updated booklist, click the red link. 
Students must attend three lectures: two are language lectures and one is a literature lecture. 
For info regarding lecturing staff kindly click the red link. 
For any issues related to the course and curriculum, first always speak to your lecturer.  If more information is required, you are kindly asked to contact the Subject Coordinator

FAQs for Italian Advanced Matriculation Level
Studying Italian at both Intermediate and Advanced Level serves as an excellent grounding knowledge for those students aiming to pursue their studies at University level in Humanities, Law, Education, Tourism, Translation and Interpretation, Media and Communications, as well as other disciplines.  
The Advanced level course aims at consolidating your listening, speaking, comprehension and writing abilities to the level required by the MATSEC exam.  In addition to this you will study a series of literary texts from an anthology of literature, as well as one entire novel.  Click for more information
Students must attend SIX lectures: two language lectures, three literature lectures (N.B. 2 lectures on Il Gattopardo + 1 lecture on Antologia A Miracol Mostrare) and one tutorial session. 
A tutorial is a session in which a small group of students, accompanied by a tutor, work on practical and written tasks.  
For info regarding lecturing staff kindly click the red link. 
For any issues related to the course and curriculum, first always speak to your lecturer.  If more information is required, you are kindly asked to contact the Subject Coordinator.  

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