Call for Abstracts



Register now. 

7th Edition 11-12-13 September 2024

Connections Conference & Meeting Facilities, Junior College, Msida, Malta 


We invite presentations of a multidisciplinary nature which may be related, but not limited to, the following areas of knowledge and research associated with higher education:

Study and Research Areas 

  • Pedagogy
    • Pedagogy and emerging teaching methods; Assessment; Leadership in education; Higher education and employment
  • Arts and Humanities
    • Anthropology, Classical Studies, Culture, Ethics, Gender Studies, Geography, History, Home Economics & Human Ecology, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education & Sports, Psychology, Religious Knowledge, Sociology, Systems of Knowledge, Theatre & Performance, Visual Arts, Youth & Community Studies
  • Business and Administration
    • Accountancy, Banking & Finance, Business, Diplomatic Studies, Economics, Entrepreneurship, European Studies, Governance, Insurance, International Relations, Management, Marketing, Mediation, Political Science, Public Administration & Policy
  • Language and communication
    • Arabic, Cognitive Science, Communication Studies, Engineering Drawing, English, Film Studies, French, German, Graphical Communication, Greek, Interpreting Studies, Italian, Latin, Linguistics, Literature, Media Studies & Literacy, Il-Malti, Russian, Spanish, Translation & Terminology Studies, 
  • Science and Technology
    • Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Digital Games, Engineering, Environmental Science, Health Science, Life Science, Material Science, Information & Communication Technology, Physics, Pure Mathematics.
  • Wellbeing and Education
    • Access Arrangements, Belonging, Bullying & Harassment, Counselling & Guidance, Disability & Inclusion, Discipline & Restorative Justice, Diversity Studies, Education, Equality, Holistic Education, Human Rights, Informal & Non Formal Education, Parental/Guardian Role & Involvement, Professional Development, Psychology, Safeguarding, Teaching & Learning, Vocational Subjects, Wellbeing & Support

Consult the AIMC Committee if your study area is not directly related to any of the categories and subdivisions above. 

If interested, kindly go to the AIMC 2024 Abstract Submission Form to submit your abstract. Required information includes:

  • Name and Surname of presenter
  • email
  • Title of presentation
  • Abstract of approx. 280 words
  • 5 keywords pertaining to your presentation

Submissions’ deadline for abstract of presentation: 1 July 2024.

A notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author/s via email.  Presentations can only be carried out by their author/s or co-author/s.

Presentations at the conference must carry a statement indicating that the authors have abided by the ethics regulations and procedures of their home institution and country and of the country in which the research was carried out, if this was different.

For more details, pertaining to submissions, registration procedures and conference regulations, please refer to the Conference Policy and Regulations 2024.

Inclusion of presentation in the conference programme requires registration and payment.

Presentations accepted and presented during the conference may be further developed by the author and subsequently resubmitted for consideration for publication as a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Symposia Melitensia.

For more info email:                                                                  

Register now. 

Last updated 11/06/2024