2024 Admission to Junior College

2024 Admission to Junior College

Application dates

Main applications are accepted online between 29 July and 09 August 2024 till 14:00

Late applications are accepted online between 19 August and 30 August 2024 till 14:00

Very late applications are accepted online between 09 September and 18 October 2024 till 14:00


It is highly recommended that as a prospective student, whether in possession of all the entry requirements or not, you apply during the first admission period (between 29 July and 09 August 2024 till 14:00). Students not in possession of all the entry requirements are encouraged to use the September supplementary session to obtain all the entry requirements.

General entry requirements for Junior College for academic year 2024/25

The following entry requirements for admission to Junior College (JC) apply for the Matriculation Certificate (Standard) and other two (2)-year study programmes that make use of the same general entry requirements.

Applicants may be admitted to the University of Malta Junior College if they are in possession of any six (6) passes in the Secondary Education Certification (SEC) Examination or, when applicable, their equivalent at Grade 5/C or better. The subjects MUST INCLUDE one of the following subjects: English Language, Maltese or Mathematics. Students missing one or two subjects from Maltese, English Language or Mathematics are expected to attend preparatory classes at the Junior College in order to satisfy the General Entry Requirements of the University of Malta as specified in Regulation 12 of the Admissions Regulations, 2016. Conditions apply.

In cases where an applicant does not hold SEC qualifications, but has qualifications from other boards, the applicant may still be admitted following a favourable recommendation of the Admissions Board.

Prospective applicants whose qualifications fall short of those required due to a significant disability, including individuals within the Autism Spectrum and with specific learning difficulties, may make a request to the Admissions Board who, on the advice of the Access Disability Support Committee (ADSC), will consider each application on its own merit. 

Students who feel that they were not able to obtain the full entry requirements for a valid reason, may make their request to the Admissions Board. A formal letter is to be addressed to the Principal. 

Applications by international applicants

If you are an international applicant not in possession of SEC qualifications, contact the International Admissions Office for details. 

General conditions

  1. All students are expected to follow Junior College Regulations and Guidelines as published on the JC website.
  2. All students studying at the College will be prepared for MATSEC examinations only at the end of the respective study programme (SP), unless otherwise stated.
  3. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that the group of chosen subjects for the Matriculation Course selected is in line with MATSEC regulations. The same applies if, at any time, a change of subjects is requested.
  4. Students may request to be exempted from studying a subject if they are already in possession of a pass in the subject but cannot replace it with another subject.
  5. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that prospective students can choose any combination of subjects, the Junior College reserves the right not to offer a particular combination of subjects if the number of applicants does not justify it or if logistics and timetable arrangements do not permit it.
  6. The Junior College reserves the right not to offer a subject if the number of applicants does not justify it or if logistics and timetable arrangements do not permit it.
  7. No changes to the timetable will be allowed once this is set at the beginning of the year.
  8. All prospective students who are under 18 years of age must have at least one parent/guardian residing in Malta.
  9. Students may only register for one study programme at a time, and cannot be registered at the Junior College concurrently with another institution.
  10. All Junior College students are entitled to use the facilities available on the College Campus during working hours, free of charge. Normally facilities need to be booked in advance and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
  11. Those students who have been exempted from Maltese as an entry requirement to Junior College, must hold a SEC pass at Grade 5 or better in this language by the time they apply for any undergraduate course at the University of Malta.
  12. Students who wish to pursue their studies at the University of Malta must be aware of the general entry requirements before they enrol at JC. Special course requirements are also provided. It is the students' responsibility to ensure that the choice of subjects for entry to undergraduate courses conforms with such requirements.
  13. It is strongly advisable that prospective students, including adult learners, contact the Student Advisory Services to assist them with the requirements for the course they intend to choose.
  14. Students who study a combination of subjects which do not conform with MATSEC regulations cannot hold the Junior College responsible for their choice and level of subjects in view of their ineligibility to enrol with UM.
  15. Students must commit themselves to their programme of studies and attend all sessions to ensure they reap all benefits therein.

Maltese as a requirement in 2024

Further to the requirement of Maltese at Secondary Education Certificate level for admission at the University of Malta, the Admissions Board may, in special circumstances and subject to the conditions set out hereunder, allow an applicant to offer another subject instead of Maltese, as follows:

  • a Maltese applicant who, for reasons of residence or education abroad over a significant period during the previous four years, has not received adequate teaching in Maltese, may be allowed to offer another language instead of Maltese.
  • an international applicant may be allowed to offer another language  instead of Maltese as approved by the Admissions Board, provided that such other language cannot be English and applicants whose mother tongue is English shall be required to offer a language other than English instead of Maltese.


Applicable as from October 2025 onwards:

Maltese as a requirement

Further to the requirement of Maltese at Secondary Education Certificate level for admittance to the Junior College as specified in regulation 10 or for admittance to the University Undergraduate courses as specified in regulation 12, the Admissions Board may, in special circumstances and subject to the conditions set out hereunder, allow an applicant to offer another language instead of Maltese, as follows:

  • a Maltese applicant, who has lived and studied abroad for a significant period during the previous four years, and has not received adequate teaching in Maltese
  • an international applicant, who pursued at least four years of compulsory secondary level schooling in Malta, may present a pass at Grade 5 or better in Il-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija (SEC) for admission
  • an international applicant, who pursued less than four years of compulsory secondary level schooling in Malta, may present either a pass at Grade 5 or better in Il-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija (SEC) or in another language at SEC level at Grade 5 or better or at a comparable level.

