Religious Knowledge

Subject Coordinator

Mr Jason Galea
Room D406

Religious Knowledge subject information

Advanced level

Lectures: 5 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week

Intermediate level

Lectures: 3 hours per week

What is Religious Knowledge?

Religious Knowledge focuses on Catholicism, encompassing its history, devotional practices and beliefs. Christianity was founded two millennia ago, and this subject provides an opportunity to students to deepen their knowledge in religion while encouraging them to relate the same knowledge to everyday life. Religious Knowledge is merely a subject leading to a career, it is also a way of life. 

Students may study Religion either at advanced or intermediate level. While a SEC pass in Religious Knowledge is an asset, it is not compulsory.

You are encouraged to check the MATSEC syllabi for Advanced or Intermediate level.

We offer Religious Knowledge at both Advanced and Intermediate Levels.

At Advanced level, students study four main topics during a two-year programme.

These topics include: 

i. the Christian Bible

ii. the Creed

iii. the Liturgy and the Sacraments

iv. Christian Morality.

In the Christian Bible, we focus on its origin and formation, the element of continuity; the main themes in the Old Testament (featuring the creation, the exodus, the Decalogue, the prophets and the exile); and the main themes in the New Testament (featuring the Gospels, Passion narratives and the Resurrection).

In the Creed, students study about the nature of faith, the concept of tradition, Christian doctrine, the Trinity, the Church and eternal life. 

In the Liturgy and the Sacraments, the practical aspect of Christian life is explored. We study about the Church as a worshipping community, the day of the Lord, the liturgical year, the liturgy, and the seven Sacraments.
The last topic is about Christian Morality. Examples from everyday life are discussed while studying the ten Commandments, the family, global peace, sustainable development and the building of a just society. 
Advanced level students are provided with five hours of lecturing and a one-hour tutorial session every week. One-to-one contact hours with staff are also provided.

At Intermediate level, students study four main topics during a two-year programme.

These topics include: 

i. the Creed

ii. the Liturgy and the Sacraments

iii. Christian Morality

iv. Christian Prayer.

In the Creed, students study about the nature of faith, the human person, the Trinity, the mission and organization of the Catholic Church, and eternal life. 

In the Liturgy and the Sacraments, the practical aspect of Christian life is explored. We study about the liturgy, the liturgical year, and the seven Sacraments. 

In Christian Morality, examples from everyday life are discussed while studying the ten Commandments, social justice, the sources of moral truth, and the moral life. 

In Christian Prayer, students study about the forms and expressions of prayer, praying with the Scriptures, and the Lord’s prayer (the Our Father). 

Intermediate level students are provided with two hours of lecturing and a one-hour tutorial session every week. One-to-one contact hours with staff are also provided.


Listen to the episode dedicated to Religion and Classical Studies from the Junior College radio programme mill-Kulleġġ:
(the episode is in the Maltese language)