Current students

 Writing your own notes in class

Writing notes is not an easy task especially when you have been used to a system where teachers gave you their own notes. Now is the time to start writing down your notes. This will be of great help in better understanding the subjects and will serve you in your preparation for your exams/ tests. Download these guidelines. It's important to read them and start working.

 Exam preparation

Preparing yourself for exams is a long and tortuous road, however, there are methods which could help you ease the pressures created by exams/ tests and could also result in getting a better grade. These guidelines should serve to help you achieve that goal. Download these guidelines, read them and start working on them. In due course you will start reaping the results. Good luck.

Glossary of Terms 

During the  two year course in Environmental Science lecturers uses a variety of terms. Students sometimes find it difficult  to collate all the different terms used and might also find different meanings for the terms found in examination questions or homework. We have collated most of the terms used .by the lecturers during the course. They are grouped by topic and are in alphabetical order for ease of reference. The aim of having them grouped in this manner is for ease of reference. May we suggest that you keep a printed copy handy and highlight the most important terms as you go along throughout the course. It is not uncommon that the meanings of some of these terms are requested during exams.  This Glossary of Terms booklet is only available for registered students at the Junior College and access is only limited to students using University of Malta credentials. Download the booklet.